Welcome to the
Rainier Educators of
Color Network!

February 1, 2020
Chinook Middle School
Seatac, WA
Rainier Educators of Color Network [RECN] Equity Leadership Team organized a conference attended by over 300 WEA members, students, administrators and legislators. Please scroll down to view session descriptions and presenters, and below that view the amazing photos showing our engaging conference.
"We are only as blind as we want to be." - Maya Angelou
NEA, WEA, Rainier UniServ Council, HEA, REA, KEA, RESP, RPTA
Kumar Rashad is a public high school math teacher for over 18 years and is a rpoud local, state, national union leader as Board of Director for both Jefferson County Teachers Association and the Kentucky Educators Association. Mr. Rashad has spent over 10 years in the pursuit of his local school district's minority teacher programs and through a program he and his wife/fellow educator, Natalie Rashad created the Minority Teacher Recruitment Movement, which is designed to mentor and assist aspiring teachers to reach credentials that are needed to become classroom certified. He is a staunch advocate for the eradication of systemic racism by challenging the legitimacy of standardized tests on a state and national level and by demanding that minorities be represented in areas of educational leadership and local government.
Students were asked questions about their learning experiences, struggles and successes in working through social justice issues in their specific school sites. Â This was a raw session there were things that were shared that were hard to hear. Â We listened with open hearts and a willingness to learn from the experiences of our student panel in order to improve our practice and better understand the experience that is Public Education as seen through the eyes and ears of these amazing students.
Black Brilliance - Delbert Richardson
Everybody Wanna be a Ni**a, But Nobody Wanna Be a Ni**er: The Historical Evolution and Mis-Education Regarding the Word Ni**er #StillNi**a -- Marcellus Davis, Kenneth Turner and Alex Hines
Radical Imagination Through the Arts - Susan Dufresne, Julianna Dauble, Dominic Corr and Shermanita Jones-Bigham
Engaging Students of Color Through Summits - Rashad Norris
Black Girl Blues - Freedom Johnson
Being an Ally to LGBTQ + Youth - Joe Bento
Implicit Bias - Aneeka Ferrell and Joanne Barber
Empowering Native and Indigenous Students - Stephanie Ervin and Levi Horn
Everybody Wanna be a Ni**a, But Nobody Wanna Be a Ni**er: The Historical Evolution and Mis-Education Regarding the Word Ni**er #StillNi**a -- Marcellus Davis, Kenneth Turner and Alex Hines
How and Why Listening Sessions Can Reform Our Schools - Valisia Simpson and Becca Ritchie
Why Classroom Meetings Are Essential? - Manasi Cedergreen
CRT Modle 1 - CRCC - Pam Johnson and Keri Roberts
Allies and Accomplices - Charlotte Lartey
Taking Care of You: An Educators Guide to Mental Health and Resiliency - Natalie Sarria-Wiley
School to Prison Pipeline - Alan Sutliff
Being an Ally to LGBTQ+ Youth - Joe Bento
Allies and Accomplices - Charlotte Lartey
Implicit Bias - Aneeka Ferrell and Joanne Barber
CRT Mod 1 CRCC - Pam Johnson and Keri Roberts
Be Seen, Be Heard (QTPOC) - Tamasha Emedi
At the Intersection of Race and Disability: Where Social and Political Constructs Collide - Shane Baguyo
Keeping People in the Room: Mindful Minute - Julianna Dauble
Classroom Exclusions: Systems of Equity in Preventative Strategies and Interventions - Ben Ibale
At the Intersection of Race and Disability: Where Social and Political Constructs Collide - Shane Bajuyo
Empowering Native and Indigenous Students - Stephanie Ervin and Levi Horn
How and Why Listening Sessions Can Reform Our Schools - Valisia Simpson and Becca Ritchie
Why Classroom Meetings Are Essential? - Manasi Cedergreen
Black Girl Blues - Freedom Johnson
Be Seen, Be Heard (QTPOC) - Tamasha Emedi
Ensuring Colorful Pages: The Spectrum for Multicultural Literature in K-5 Classrooms - Kaitlin Kamalei Brandon
Taking Care of You: An Educators Guide to Mental Health and Resiliency - Natalie
Black Brilliance - Delbert Richardson
Everybody Wanna be a Ni**a, But Nobody Wanna Be a Ni**er: The Historical Evolution and Mis-Education Regarding the Word Ni**er #StillNi**a -- Marcellus Davis, Kenneth Turner and Alex Hines